Thank you for visiting!

Stepping into a new church for the first time can be a unique experience, and we appreciate your decision to worship with us.! We hope you feel welcome and at ease during your visit. Our community is built on the love of Christ, and it is our desire that you experience that love tangibly.  

Hope Community Church LOVES generosity. We think one of the best ways to live like Jesus is to give (Acts 20:35). As a thank you for visiting us today, we would like to make a $5 donation to one selected charity in your name! Use the green 'Choose A Charity" button to select a mission organization and we will make the donation on your behalf this week.

*For more information on these mission organizations please read below.

Neitzke Family Missionaries

The Neitzke family are missionaries headed to Eurasia. Pray for them as they link arms with many others to bring the gospel of Jesus to the Arab world. Learn more here.

Choices Women's Center

Choices Women’s Center of Fredericksburg has served thousands of women and men in this community. It’s their goal to provide compassionate care, objective information, and practical resources on pregnancy options so that those they serve can make a confident, fully informed decision. Learn more here.

Christ In Action - U.S. Disaster Relief

Christ In Action is a non-profit, faith-based disaster relief organization that works across the United States. They assist communities by:
  • Bringing in equipment
  • Organizing teams of volunteers
  • Providing mass feeding (up to 15,000 meals per day)
  • Providing hot showers
  • Offering debris removal, chainsaw work, muck out houses, and tarp roofs
  • Providing emotional first aid through CIA Chaplains
Learn more here.

Operation Christmas Child

The Samaritan's Purse project Operation Christmas Child collects shoebox gifts filled with fun toys, school supplies, and personal care items—and delivers them to millions of children in need around the world to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way. Every box is a gospel opportunity! Learn more here.


Love146 journeys alongside children impacted by trafficking today and prevents the trafficking of children tomorrow. Their vision is to end child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing else.
Learn more here.